If you need a GP - “PTE KK Foglalkozás-egészségügyi és Munkahigiénés Központ”
The General Practitioner (GP) Service provided by the Centre for Occupational Health and Hygiene of the University of Pécs Clinical Centre offers primary care for the workers and students of the university.
- The place of consultation: 7623 Pécs, Rákóczi road 2. C building 1. floor
- Opening hours/Service hours:
- Monday-Thursday: 8:00-15:00
- Friday: 8:00-14:00
- Make an appointment/you need to make an appointment: Call: +36 72 536 000/33484. e-mail: haziorvos@pte.hu; gp@pte.hu
If you write and e-mail to the GP they need to know:
If you have hungarian insurance card (TAJ):
- your whole name:
- your gender:
- date of birth:
- nationality:
- your mother's full name:
- address in Pécs:
- Hungarian insurance card (TAJ) number:
- Phone number:
If you don't have hungarian insurance card (TAJ), but you have:
PTE Generali card:
Than please send us a photo about your:
- passport/ID card
- address card/residence permit card
- PTE Generali card
Do you have allergy for medicines?
Please mention your symptoms and when have your symptoms started?
The treatment of foreign students is as follows:
- if the student is insured by the insurance company the university has a contract with (Generali Providencia) most of the expenses are covered by the insurance company
- if the student is insured by any other insurance companies not in contract with the university, the student needs to pay for the treatment on the spot according to the operative Code of Charges and Benefits of he UP. The student receives an ambulant card and a receipt/invoice and can get reimbursement from his/her own insurance company
- if the student is not insured he/she needs to pay for the treatment on the spot according to the operative Code of Charges and Benefits of he UP. The student receives an ambulant card and a receipt/invoice. If any further examinations are required, or specialist treatment is needed those are accessible through primary care.